Thursday, August 23, 2012

The year of 2012 has been a tremendous amount of emotions I know not only for me but for so many mothers who have been thru the roller coaster of the NINE month stomach virus and have traded...

Lacy thongs for cotton tents
Sex for gas
Zinfandel for warm milk
Birth control for laxatives
Going to the gym for getting up to pee
Your waist for a hot air ballon
Kickboxing for kick counts
Your innie for an outie
Sleeping for groaning
Freedom for the most intense LoVe you've ever known!!!!!!!!!!!

BUT IT'S ALL WORTH IT!!!!!!!! :))))

I have had the pleasure while basking in toilet papers and tears of joy this year so far to cuddle some of life's precious gifts and there's so much more to go! These next few months will be filled with lots of excitement and new loves to fill my always full of love heart!! 

May God bless each of you with the love and support you need and could ever ask for!! Loved these angles :)))